提起魚眼鏡頭, 很多人都覺得就是在鏡頭前面加上去的那種
其實這是錯誤的, 若不能拍攝到180的畫面, 那些極其量都只能稱為'變形嚴重的廣角鏡頭'
能稱為fullframe fisheye lens的, 其實就是能在畫面上呈現180度對角線視角的魚眼鏡頭
另外還有一種叫作circular fisheye lens, 就是能出把鏡頭前方180度所有的東西, 在畫面上濃縮成一個圓形的鏡頭
由於魚眼鏡頭的超廣視角和強烈扭曲變形感, 很多人都把魚眼鏡頭列為不常用到和很難使用的鏡頭
若你曾用過15mm以下的超廣角鏡, 就會發覺其實它們在畫面邊緣的拉扯感有多強烈
若不小心地構圖, 畫面中的大廈都會像被烈風吹倒般歪斜, 拍人就會變成火星人般的長頭怪人, 實在不比魚眼鏡頭易用
Cosina Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15/4.5
Cosina Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15/4.5
但若能適當地運用這種特性, 超廣角鏡就能拍出一般鏡頭所無法表達感覺
Cosina Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15/4.5
其實魚眼鏡頭都一樣, 當你能摸到它的特性, 它就能成為一枝日常用鏡
例如風景攝影, 只要注意水平線在畫面中的位置, 就可以拍出沒有變形感的照片
反之你亦可以利用它的變形, 而強調畫面的空間感
又例如拍動物, 由於它的視角夠廣, 很多時相機根本不用直接面對他們, 這對於捕捉他們的表情和動作很有幫助
當然還有大頭狗大頭貓, 這些都是唯獨魚眼鏡頭才能拍到的照片
街頭攝影也可用上魚眼鏡, 只要小心構圖, 它根本就是一枝很好用的超廣角鏡
當徹底摸透這些特性後, 魚眼鏡實在可以用在各種場合
無論是微距花卉, function紀錄, 甚至人像攝影, 魚眼鏡都將會是一枝很實用的鏡頭
6 則留言:
Hi, these photos are nice! Are these all taken by Cosina Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15/4.5? Can share how much around for this lens?
Cheers, Patrick
Only the photos marked with Cosina Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15/4.5 are taken by this lens. Other are taken by a fisheye lens.
What other Fish eye lens? Can you share and how much of them? I am using ep2 and gonna buy one to try? seems your photos are cool enough. Thanks! Awaiting your feedback as I couldn't find this lens in TST ysterday..
All the fisheye photos here are taken by a Sigma 8mm fisheye lens in QBM mount. My friend sold me his lens at about HKD 2800. Actually you can use any 8mm fisheye lens on EP2 with appropriate adapter.
Thanks so much for your information. Cos I am so confused to search fisheye lens for EP2. Olympus and Panasonic fisheye 8mm are too expensive at $5-6000. Just wanna try at a reasonably price for first fisheye lens. Where did you get your sigma?
My friend sold me his lens as I mentioned